denotation and connotation


Denotation : there is a kid that is sad . It says that dig toilets not graves . The kid looks like they want to be clean , maybe they need water because its from the company/charity water aid . If people saw this they would feel sad for the kids in that country .

connotation: the advert shows the slogan 'dig toilets not graves ' and the colour white suggest death that colour is a negative vibe and people will be upset or sad looking at it . The background shows that its a undeveloped country . 

analysis: All of the things in the advert shows that the people there need more toilets to clean themselves because people get sick in undeveloped countries . The slogan is good to add to show people to help them . 

Denotation : it shows a heinz ketchup bottle but as tomatoes stacked together to make the shape which makes sense because ketchup is made with tomatoes . They are saying that theres no better ketchup then them . They have their logo at the bottom . 

Connotation : The colour red shows like a strawberry , anger or like love . The word ketchup reminds me of like fast food . 

Analysis : This advert shows just like them showing how good their ketchup is but in a fun way not bragging about it and it was creative to have tomatoes and saying the word "grow" which links to tomatoes you have to grow them and they are suggesting that to the ketchup cause its made of it . 


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