strager things mise-en-scene


SETTING: the setting in stranger things is shown in the 1984 and the whole setting old and perfectly fitted for the year . They show the first scene in a lab and the lights going on and off in the darkness creating a scary feeling . The last clip is in the back shed of the house and everything is dark meaning that something bad will happen next because darkness refers to evil or horror stuff . This will make the audience wanna see more and what will happen next . 

ACTOR PLACEMENT / EXPRESSION / MOVEMENT : at the start a man is running terrified of something and after he stop he got pulled up . When one of the kid was going home he got scared and started to cycle fast but fell down and ran home scared . the audience will be scared for the kid because by his expression he  frightened . 

LIGHTING: everything is dark in the video but there are some parts where the lights flicker but there's not as much light which will give the audience a eerie feeling . Its dusky when they were cycling home . the darkness gave the feeling something bad will happen later on . 


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